John Boehner, Mr. Ultimate Establishment Republican, is desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for Obama, which would give...
In the latest scandal where five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the foreign...
Seven years ago, ABC News reported a dire forecast on global warming, claiming that scientists predicted that New York City would be under water by June 2015....
Obama’s treasonous attempt to strip Congress of all power and to vest all power in the Executive has been blocked today. This was a major accomplishment for...
Anyone who thinks government respects religion had better stop watching sports and drinking too much. There is a whole different reality waiting for you. Obama...
Part of the 9/11 conspiracy, exposed on September 10, 2001, is an unexplained $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Budget. The plane that struck the Pentagon (if...
You cannot be found guilty unless you KNOWINGLY violated the law. The way they get around this is they PRESUME you KNOW the law. The millions of laws they...
There are those who may think I criticize the courts too much, or that the Administrative Legal System corruption may be a personal opinion. Now, even the Commodity...
Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established...