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North America

Obama Commits Treason

The Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported on Twitter that on June 2 at 6:03 pm Obama said he would sign a law banning bulk collection. June 2, 9:50 pm: DOJ...

Obama Is Targeting Your Retirement Accounts

Presidential approval ratings show that Obama now enjoys the status of a lower approval rating than George W. Bush, and that is really saying something. Obama is...

Big Bang – It Is Everywhere

Chicago may become the next Detroit. We can see this Big Bang unfolding everywhere around us at a very rapid pace. Moody’s Investor Services just cut Chicago’s...

Goldman Sachs’ Analyst Death Toll Rising

  John Noyce, 36, Goldman’s top foreign exchange analyst is dead. No details were given at the time of his death, but recent reports claim he succumbed...

NSA Staff Calling in Fake Bomb Threats to Get Refunded?

There have been multiple bomb threats called in against U.S. aircrafts, curiously timed in a possible attempt to support refunding the NSA. The threats, five in...

Strange Deaths Surrounding Wall Street

Thomas J. Hughes, a 29-year-old investment banker allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan last week. Per...

The Fed & Interest Rates: The Nightmare That Will Not End Nicely

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; You have written that the Federal Reserve remains on track to raise interest rates later this year and this will accelerate the capital...

The Pension Crisis – Illinois Tops the List in the USA

Illinois is now regarded as the worst state in the nation, with respect to the prospect of a collapse in state pension. On May 8, 2015, the Illinois state...