Last night in Munich, lawyers in the audience debated when and if the collapse in the U.S. Justice System could happen in Germany. What the film is exposing is very...
Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has come out and told the world that two American officials threatened military action against Iran if there was no...
A lot of people are jumping on board, claiming the problem is fractional banking and the private creation of money, which is somehow wrong, should be handed to...
It really does not matter which party we are discussing. The problem with politics has been that the PEOPLE have been so complacent, that the politicians feel as if...
The socialists love to tout that 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. From the socialists’ viewpoint, this justifies stealing...
The collapse in the rule of law is so vital for sustaining the economy that it is often overlooked. The issue of “Clinton Cash”, combined with the FBI’s new...
Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, discusses in “America on Trial” several dozen cases that have indeed shaped the United States, transforming the...
The latest pretend prosecution for the 5-year-old Flash Crash of 2010 illustrates just how corrupt New York really is. They ONLY criminally prosecute people who...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, If bull markets are defined by currency flows, how do you explain the fact that the Chinese stock market has over doubled in 12...