Blog North America
North America
New Polls Show That 75% of Americans See Politicians as Corrupt; 2-to-1 Now Distrust the Police
April 22, 2015
COMMENT: Martin, First, I want to thank you for all that you do to educate and enlighten — you are living proof that excellence cannot be held down. I just...
North America Q&A USA Current EventsCreating a Fourth Branch of Government
April 19, 2015
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks again for the post on Griffin’s book and your short history lesson regarding the same. I’m sure your readers appreciate the...
America's Economic History Q&A USA Current EventsScrewing the Young & Old
April 17, 2015
The end of socialism is not going to be pretty. Politicians have screwed the youth with student loan debt that they made non-dischargable to help the bankers,...
Uncategorized USA Current EventsLouisiana Outlaws Cash Transactions for Used Goods
April 15, 2015
Louisiana has passed a bill making it illegal to pay for used goods with cash. You can no longer buy something at a yard sale, flea market, or anywhere else where...
The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsBlog Alerts
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