The two industries that can do whatever they want and are exempt from criminal prosecution even for mass murder are Bankers and Pharmaceutical companies. I know a...
PRIVATE BLOG – Biden & Yellen Out of Their Minds Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...
QUESTION: Marty; Why would Biden allow the billions he is sending to fill the pensions of government workers in Ukraine? YD ANSWER: This video has been going...
President Vladimir Putin shot down the balloons claiming he would declare war on NATO, martial law in Russia, or announce a new major wave of military mobilization...
COMMENT: Marty, you understand markets and the legal system. You were right again. The Supreme Court rejected the Brunson case. KQ REPLY: As I wrote...
President Vladimir Putin shot down the balloons claiming he would declare war on NATO, martial law in Russia, or announce a new major wave of military mobilization...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Would it not be better for Putin to follow the American model and invade all of Ukraine vs. using nuclear weapons? There is still time to...
The ICC can ONLY prosecute member states. The United States refused to join the ICC so no American can ever be tried for a war crime. The same applies to...