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International News

Kissinger Sells Out on Ukraine?

QUESTION: Martin, what do you have to say about Kissinger now? I am sure many want to know. AP ANSWER: Well I had hoped that Henry could have made it to the WEC...

New Zealand Schwab’s Prize Student Resigns

    Last month, Jacinda Ardern confidently said bring it on. Schwab’s prize student progressive was confident about reelection. Even last...

If Someone is Charged with a Ponzi Scheme – It is Always a Cover-Up

We always hear that some high-profile case is always a giant Ponzi Scheme. As soon as you hear that, you know the charges are FAKE NEWS! Why, because the actual...

Who is America’s Enemy? Russia or the other Political Party?

In writing the Greatest Bull Market in History, published in 1986, I had to do all the original research. I read all the newspapers daily year after year to come to...

PRIVATE BLOG – As Goes Japan – So Goes Everything Else

PRIVATE BLOG – As Goes Japan – So Goes Everything Else Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Posner on NATO v Russia


PRIVATE BLOG – South Africa – The Exception to the World?

PRIVATE BLOG – South Africa – The Exception to the World? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...

Snowden on the Real Biden Scandal

Snowden has pointed out the real scandal is that the DOJ’s role in suppressing the information released about the Biden documents which predate the November...

Biden & His Declassified Documents

There is something really rotten in the real land of Oz – Washington DC, There is absolutely NO WAY suddenly Democrats would reveal that they have found...

PRIVATE BLOG – South Africa

PRIVATE BLOG – South Africa Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...