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International News

The Crumbling of the United States

COMMENT: I just want to say that Socrates was the only correct forecast for the elections. It said the Republicans would take the House but not the Senate and there...

There will Never Be a Trial for FTX

  You have to understand the way the government prosecutes its cases. If you look closely, all cases are charged with CONSPIRACY. That means the proof is NOT...

Zelensky Pleading for World War III

I have warned from the start, Ukraine CANNOT be trusted and Zelensky is the man who would start World War III. Everything you worked for your entire life will be...

United Nations Preparing for their One World Government

The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new...

Our World Leaders are Just So Corrupt

When someone ever writes about this period in a couple of hundred years, they will call it the Age of Corruption. An ex-MEP has labeled the EU as fundamentally...

California Earthquakes

QUESTION: Marty, we had an earthquake here in Northern California today that seems to be following your forecast building into 2028. Can you update your earthquake...

Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent...

PRIVATE BLOG – One Step Closer to WWIII

PRIVATE BLOG – One Step Closer to WWIII Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

US to Hand Patriot Missiles to Ukraine? What Insanity!

There is little doubt that NATO and the United States want war. I believe this insanity is being driven by the idea that they MUST destroy the Russian economy...

Twitter Exposing the Real Threat – Leftist Revolution

The revelations coming from Elon Musk gaining access to Twitter demonstrate that the LEFT is the greatest danger we face to civilization and there is absolutely no...