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International News

The End of Freedom & Our Right to Even Vote

Naturally, I have received emails from those on the left and Elon Musk appears to be rising to that coveted spot of hatred once monopolized by Trump. Musk has...

Volcano Eruptions On the Rise with Solar Minimum

We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025. Solar Cycle 24 which ended in December 2019, was of average in length, at 11 years....

Comments from the Netherlands

COMMENT #1: The “Dutch Farming Crisis” crack-down in Netherlands says it all. As a former UK citizen repatriated to The Netherlands, life in Holland has...

Dutch Farming Crisis

This is one of those unbelievable stories of how Climate Change is being taken to such an extreme, we will unleash a serious wave of deaths from both starvation and...

CDC Caught Manipulating Data

And here are the 15 "Adverse Events of Special Interest" the CDC listed as "Prespecified Medical Conditions" in its v-safe protocol but never...

Civil Unrest Explodes in China Over Lockdowns

The Chinese are no longer willing to comply with the harsh Zero Covid policy implemented by their government. Protests exploded across Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan,...

Trudeau Justifies Invoking Martial Law

Trudeau changed the world’s entire perception of Canada after his mishandling of the Freedom Convoy protest. Hard-working Canadian men and women demanded medical...

Flu Drug Shortage

There is a shortage of commonly prescribed flu and viral medications in America. Flu season hasn’t even peaked for the year and there is simply not enough...

Germany’s Decline & Fall

The Greens & the Socialists have taken control of Germany and in the process, the strongest economy of the EU has taken a decisive directional change here in...

Dr. Robert Malone is Still Fighting

QUESTION: Message: Dear Martin, Thank you for all of the insight that you make available to us on a daily basis.  I’m hoping that you might be able to...