Have you seen any of these billboards or magazine ads? Citizens for Sanity is trolling American Progressives by promoting their woke ideologies to show just how...
Every channel I turned to, did nothing but search out the worst possible scenes. Nowhere could I find any information about the roads in general. I finally asked...
The media is clearly in the wrong when politicians from the other end of the spectrum are coming out to condemn fake news. Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi (2014 to...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a nonpartisan agency that simply calculates the numbers. The Biden Administration is constantly at odds with the CBO as...
President Joe Biden recently thanked Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) for her recent work. “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” he asked. “She must not be...
PRIVATE BLOG – The European Crisis Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
The world is entering a crisis in confidence. First we had the COVID manufactured crisis, that spawned the Energy Crisis, and now we are entering the Currency...
Canada is finally ending the absurd COVID vaccine mandates. No, Trudeau did not come to his senses. The truth of the matter is that the majority of people dying...
New York State Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank ruled that it was unconstitutional to fire police officers for refusing the COVID vaccine. The Police Benevolent...
The left is so afraid of a red wave this November that they will do anything to allow illegals to vote. California’s Gavin Newsom, who admitted his party is...