We are quickly reverting back to the Dark Ages. Cooking and keeping warm with fossil fuels may become a luxury as the energy crisis spreads across the West. Reports...
PRIVATE BLOG – The Decline & Fall of Britain Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
The entire West will face higher energy prices due to climate initiatives and Russian sanctions. The British energy regulator Ofgem released a troubling report...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) conducted a study that proves claims that the middle class will not face tax increases under the Inflation Reduction Act are...
As Canadians grapple with inflation, most taxpayers are eager to spend money on 2SLGBT programs and awareness. Well, at least that is what the Trudeau...
I reported that the taxpayers would be footing the bill for student loan cancellation. A study by Penn Wharton School estimated that taxpayers would each need to...
The US Marines were finally awarded protection against COVID-19 vaccination mandates. “Oorah!” A federal judge agreed to the class action lawsuit against...
China does not want a war with the US. The US, however, is continually provoking China by using Taiwan as its scapegoat. The US Navy announced that two warships...
California’s failed policies have led residents to flock to states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas. Now, California is begging them to stay by using disturbing...
People are worried that they will be harassed by the law if they view the disturbing contents of Hunter’s laptop. Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, also had a...