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International News

Sweden & Finland Joining NATO

QUESTION: Hi Marty, hope all is well. All indications are that Sweden and Finland will join NATO. However, both countries refuse to allow nuclear weapons to be...

Australia Launches Booster Shot Marketing Campaign

The Australian government is spending millions on an ad campaign to encourage citizens to take a third COVID vaccine. Their method of marketing is quite surprising...

Baby Formula Shortage Hits Crisis Levels

COMMENT: My sister in Texas begged me to mail her formula for the past two weeks. She has been close to rationing the milk she gives her 4 m.o. son. The shelves are...

EU Internal Battle = Separatist

  The sanction imposed on Russia is an economic version of a nuclear war spearheaded by the United States without any consideration whatsoever. The United...

The Most Extreme Political Group in US History

Numerous Al-Qaeda members were living in the United States before the 9/11 tragedy — the worst disaster on US soil. None of the 19 terrorists were from...

Airlines Playing Russian Roulette with Passengers’ Lives

Airlines are playing Russian roulette with passengers’ lives after numerous pilots experienced heart attacks, which is believed to be a direct result of the...

Inflation & Ukrainian War are Greatest Threats to the World Economy

COMMENT FROM GERMANY: Oil and flour shelves are empty. N REPLY: I really do not know if the braindead politicians actually understanding what they have done with...

Krystal Ball on Roe v. Wade and Political Manipulation

Krystal Ball provides a bipartisan view on the manipulation tactics that both Republicans and Democrats have been using throughout US history to gain votes. Remind...

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States...

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Recall

The FDA has finally admitted what we knew all along – the vaccine is not safe. The FDA said it is limiting the availability of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19...