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International News

Trump v Biden According to Putin

“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in...

Trudeau’s Approval Rating Hits 12-Month Low

Justin Trudeau was hoping the war in Ukraine would distract Canadians from the war he inflicted domestically upon his own people. Trudeau enacted the Emergencies...

American Heart Association Warns About Vaccines

American Heart Association: “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and...

Putin Explains the Importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky (2019)

  Putin was deeply involved in securing the Minsk Agreement long before Zelensky came to power. Although people are calling the current attack on Ukraine...

Boycotting Anything Russian   Stolichnaya vodka plans to rebrand their product to sound less Russian. This comes on the tail of restaurants,...

India Journalist States This is a War of the West’s Creation

  It is so refreshing to listen to a REAL journalist for once – something was seriously forgotten in America and Europe. Arnab Goswami is an Indian news...

Who Are the Oligarchs?

(Photo: Former President Obama’s private yacht) The word “oligarch” leads some to believe that these rich individuals are part of a mysterious underground...

Russia Disconnecting the Internet to Prevent US Cyber attacks

  While Cogent Communications, a major internet backbone provider that routes data across intercontinental connections, cut ties with Russian customers. It...

US Effectively Declares World War III Starting with Russia

  World peace is created by economic opportunity. That is how the Roman Empire flourished for 1,000 years. They conquered much of North Africa during the Punic...

The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand

QUESTION: Thanks Marty – would you agree that the west does not understand the Russian mind? For them it’s not all about economic considerations,...