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International News

PCR Test is Not Valid

I have reported on here that I was tested for COVID five times and they were all negative. I went to Tampa hospital to see the top pulmonary doctor and after saying...

Biden Drops Investigation Against Cuomo Nursing Home Deaths

COMMENT: Biden is dropping all investigations of Cuomo’s deaths in nursing homes while prosecuting Trump’s people for free parking?  They don’t...

Should Politicians Who Wear Masks be Impeached as Devious or Incompetent?

The fact that we have politicians appearing in masks raises a serious question. Either they are stupid and have been acting on FAKE news, which means they are...

Fleeing to the Dollar because of the Delta Variant?

In Germany, they have now determined that 40% of all cash in the system is currently being hoarded. The German press, DWN, is also reporting that “Because of...

Is a Revolution Coming?

  We have an amazing number of readers in France, and I want to thank everyone for all the emails documenting what is going on. Anyone who takes videos of...

Australia Police Defending Tyranny Still

  In Australia, the police are still defending the government allowing tyranny to foster while they alone can save their own...

Protests against COVID Restrictions Engulfing Europe

  Bergamo, & Across Italy to Paris, & Across...

Freedom Protests in Milian, Italy Today

  There are Freedom Protests throughout Europe. Schwab may be twisting this saying the civil unrest is because the people want his communist solution of...

Fauci Becoming an International Villain

Fauci Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus_ The Way Forward   We are heading into a real political crisis where internationally, more and more...