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International News

Judge Amero Dismisses Lawsuit Against Georgia Run-Off Elections

During a hearing, Georgia Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero rejected a lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of the state’s two Senate runoff elections in...

Pfizer Vaccine Fails Against the Delta Variant

Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant has failed on a grand level. The emails coming are confirmed that about 50% of the people in Britain with the new Delta...

Anyone Can Run for Speaker of the House in Congress

Most people do not know, but the Speaker of the House is just another political job that is subject to the vote of the members of Congress.  A Democrat has...

White House Colluding with BigTech for Censorship

  The White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s recent admission that the administration is “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread...

The Election Audits Fulfilling the Model Forecasts?

Many people have written in about the ongoing audits of the 2020 election, which seem to be spreading from state to state. I believe Roman has done a fair unbiased...

Trump & Tax Evasion

The latest is that Trump could be criminally charged for tax evasion by paying for some benefit to an employee rather than salary. The Internal Revenue Service...

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Why Do Not Get Vaccinated or Booster

  Professor Bhakdi refers to new studies published by The Lancet which show that this is not such an unusual virus that the body does not recognize. It...

Asia Departs from the Gates/Schwab Agenda of Vaccinating the World

Ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic infections in humans that are more commonly used on animals, is now trending and exploding in Asia. This is true in India...

Timeline of COVID Proves it was a Deliberate Leak?

Fauci really has to explain what is going on, but the Biden Administration will NEVER question Fauci nor fire him. He is their key to pretending they care about the...

Malta Will Only Allow Vaccinated Visitors – All Others – Get Lost!

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, I have read that Malta is the first country in Europe that only allow tourist fully vaccinated. I have booked my vacations in August in Malta,...