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International News

Biden is Under a Conservatorship Like Britney Spears

The latest polls show that 89% of Republicans think that the bureaucrats are running the country — not Biden. Among Democrats, 59% think Biden is in charge....

Why They Need to Destroy Everything

  COMMENT: I’m a Canadian and just turned 60 this year and after receiving paperwork about the Canadian Pension here is what I learned. If I take early...

France Moves to Totalitarian State – End of Tourism

  Macron delivered a 27-minute speech to the nation on television. Macron announced a full-blown authoritarian measure that takes France off the tourist list....

The Hypocrisy of Congress

If Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed and shot point-blank and killed, was black and this was on the street, there would be national riots everywhere. The policeman...

Trump’s Lawsuit Against BigTech – Is it Viable?

Anything Trump does the media will call a joke. This lawsuit they all claim Trump will lose. But their bias blinds them to two important points one of which he...

Can you Sue an Employer Who Mandates Vaccines?

Eric Clapton took the vaccine and now can no longer perform. He said: “The vaccine destroyed me – I now live with pills due to neuropathy.” The...

Kamala Harris’ Tactics Overruled by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court ruled against Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies when she was the top prosecutor in California. The justices threw out California’s...

Australia Wrongly Injects 163 Children with Wrong Experimental Vaccine

  I really do not know when people will STOP trusting government bureaucrats. The people who typically work in government are there because they are...

Resistance is NOT Futile – I told you So!

  In ancient Rome, the people had NO POWER at the ballot box. Nonetheless, the Emperors were forced to deal with the people because the MOB could always storm...