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International News

Biden May be Unleashing the Worse Pandemic in History

This was the second year our World Economic Conference was unable to bring in our staff from China, SE Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Our staff had to appear by...

Biden Administration Preparing to Rig the 2022 Election As Directed by Soros?

  At least since May of 2021, the Biden Administration has been secretly flying illegal aliens around the country in the middle of the night with the intention...


Senator Ted Cruz sympathized with Texans wishing to secede from the US as the future seems “hopeless” under Democratic injustice. Cruz is not currently...

The Rise of the Non-Politician – Resistance is not Futile

New Jersey’s state Senate President, Steve Sweeney, spent almost $500,000 on his re-election to be defeated by a Republican who spent less than $10,000 on his...

Google Found Guilty of Violating EU Anti-Trust Laws

Google has been found guilty of violating anti-trust laws by the European Union’s General Court, the second-highest court in the EU. In 2017, Google was accused...

Brothel Offers Free Sex for Getting Vaccinated

    Because there are so many illegal aliens in Europe, they are now offering free sex in return for getting vaccinated. Clearly, our political leaders...

Side Effects Mount as Biden, FDC, CDC, & NIH have all Abandoned Health

Big Pharma has absolute immunity, and since the federal government is mandating vaccines, there is ABSOLUTELY NOBODY to compensate people seriously injured from...

Big Bird Gets Vaccinated

Sesame Street is using its platform to convince children to take the experimental mRNA vaccine. Klaus Schwab is an extremely dangerous man who has even started...

Bill Gates Admits At Last the Vaccines Do Not Work!

    Bill Gates has finally admitted that his vaccines neither prevent you from getting COVID nor will they prevent you from spreading COVID. So what...

The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?

When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because...