Many people have written in asking why are all the government spending like there is no tomorrow? The answer is – there is no tomorrow! This Great Rest is all...
The US Census Bureau stated that the US population grew by a mere 0.1% (392,665) in 2021, marking the lowest rate of growth in US history. This is the first time...
Public confidence is continuing to decline, according to a recent poll from the Trafalgar Group partnered with the Convention of States Action. The survey conducted...
The CDC and NIH refuse to recognize the important role that herd immunity could play in combating COVID. Yet, one thing that they failed to consider was herd...
People will always find a way to bypass the law. The tyrannical vaccine mandates have paved the way for a new career niche: vaccine jockeys. Those desperate to...
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a woman sitting at the top of America’s legal system, outright lied to the public by inflating COVID numbers. “We have...
Another January 6th, 2022 important geopolitical event was the rising tension between Turkey and Greece. There has been an arms race between the two which escalated...
The coronavirus and supply shortages have indeed shown us that truckers are essential workers. Unfortunately, around half of employed truckers in Australia have...
COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong. Apparently here in Mexico, a few states have from this weekend started to employ the obligatory vaccination certificates to go to...
Sorry, if you thought this was the Biden Administration or Germany, Austria, or France. Unfortunately, it was just the Kazakhstan Government has collapsed and its...