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International News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Voted Out in Israel

Israel’s 120-member Knesset voted to swear in a new government Sunday, ending the historic 12-year rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The new prime...

BBC Just Admits 50% of Deaths Include Vaccinated People!

  What is really going on behind these vaccines? The BBC reported the statistic of the new Delta variant of COVID and 50% of the deaths are people who had...

The Inhumanity of Politicians

  COMMENT: You seem to have a very low opinion of those in government. Is that why they tried to silence you? WG ANSWER: Perhaps. It was the corruption in New...

Vaccinated People told Not to Travel?

  We are starting to come full circle. Now airlines in Spain and Russia are warning people who have been vaccinated should not travel. Indeed, COVID-19...

Supreme Court Unanimously Denied Green Card Application by Illegal Aliens

The Supreme Court just ruled unanimously on Monday that immigrants allowed to stay in the United States temporarily for humanitarian reasons may not apply for green...

JFK – REAGAN – TRUMP on Freedom

  COMMENT: Hi Martin, Re: your blog post about multiple Faucis…. Couldn’t agree more with your comments. Especially love this one: “I find it...

Fauci – Calls for Resignation Rising

  The calls for Fauci to resign are growing louder.  Fauci is a disgrace. He has admitted funding Wuhan with $600,000 for research into Bat Viruses which I...