The Socer/Football player Othman Coulibaly suffered a heart attack during the Al Wakra Club match against Al Rayyan, per the statement of the football club....
A reader sent this image in and asked me to spot the differences. A few independent news sources remain in America, but they are not part of what we consider the...
Comment: Dear Mr Armstrong, Not everybody agrees in Canada with this bribed psychopath/traitor !!!! -B Reply: Oh, I am aware that our neighbors to the north are in...
The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the...
Comment: This is a Whole Foods in a high to middle income suburb in the northeast on January 4, 2022. I live near numerous ports from NJ, PA, to NY. I have lived...
After a year and hundreds of arrests, we still do not know what happened on January 6, 2021. Over 16 news agencies are urging the US government to release footage...