Reports are coming in that they are once again denying people the right to vote and it appears to be people who are Republican. This same scenario is playing out....
Harvard Business School, which has a virtual 100% vaccinated obedient staff raising serious questions about hiring people who do not question government, had to...
User 668575910 · Patrick and Stephanie de Garay’s Phone Call with Pfizer trial Principal Investigator The following is a heartbreaking phone call between the...
This is the face of absolute tyranny. Unfortunately, he is supported by the police, so like a Roman Emperor who has usurped power, he only can do so because the...
American Airlines has been forced to cancel another 634 flights on Sunday, more than 12% of its total operations for the day. This brings the total number of...
Let’s Go Brandon now is 4 out of the top 10 songs on the hit list. This is a warning that the country really is divided far more than they are letting on. The...