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International News

Athletes are Dropping Dead after Vaccinations & Nobody Cares

  The Socer/Football player Othman Coulibaly suffered a heart attack during the Al Wakra Club match against Al Rayyan, per the statement of the football club....

Western Social Media v Chinese Communist Party Media

A reader sent this image in and asked me to spot the differences. A few independent news sources remain in America, but they are not part of what we consider the...

Is Trudeau in Bed with Big Pharma?


Vaccine Requirement Every Month

  If you listen carefully, Health Secretary Sajid Javid of the NHS in the UK shows that he is not willing to listen to real doctors. He has made...

1976 Vaccine Mandate Disaster

  This is why vaccine MANDATES are simply unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. We are not all the...

Trudeau Accused of Treason

Comment: Dear Mr Armstrong, Not everybody agrees in Canada with this bribed psychopath/traitor !!!! -B Reply: Oh, I am aware that our neighbors to the north are in...

The British Heart Foundation Normalizes Heart Failure in Young Athletes

The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the...

January 6th & Ukraine

  Today on January 6th, 2022, Britain warned Moscow that it was working with Western partners on high-impact sanctions targetting Russia’s financial...

Winter Weather Exacerbates Supply Chain Crisis

Comment: This is a Whole Foods in a high to middle income suburb in the northeast on January 4, 2022. I live near numerous ports from NJ, PA, to NY. I have lived...

What Happened On January 6, 2021?

After a year and hundreds of arrests, we still do not know what happened on January 6, 2021. Over 16 news agencies are urging the US government to release footage...