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International News

Using the Criminal Law to Target Trump & his Family

AG Letitia James revealed her investigation into the Trump Organization has gone from a civil probe to a criminal investigation. This is the way the law is used to...

Putin Won’t Recognize Biden as President of the United States

President Vladimir Putin is refusing to recognize Joe Biden as the president-elect of the United States. The Kremlin announced that they would continue to refuse to...

Over 100,000 Millionaires/Billionaires Have Moved from NYC to Florida

The Great COVID Migration Interestingly, at least 33,565 New Yorkers exchanged their NY driver’s licenses for Florida credentials between September 2020 and...

IMF Cryptocurrency is Coming to Dominate the World

The general talk has been that the end of the fiat monetary system is imminent. Central bank digital currencies allegedly threaten the US dollar, according to some...

Buri Ram in Thailand Mandatory Vaccines of 2 Years in Prison

    In the Buri Ram, Thailand, Governor Thatchakorn Hatathathayakul, on May 2, ordered the closure of the two villages containing about 400 households or...

Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Biden call for Warrantless Searches for Handguns

  There was no other case that so exemplified how the LEFT is so anti-American than Biden’s argument before the Supreme Court for Warrantless Searches...

The UN & its Plan to Rule the World

  I have been in meetings over the 40 years of my career, which were always dancing around the idea that we needed a one-world government. There have been...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Double-Edge Sword

PRIVATE BLOG – The Double-Edge Sword Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Worldwide COVID Conspiracy?

Tucker Carlson interviews on the COVID Worldwide...