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International News

Australian PM Scott Morrison Calls the People “Sheep”

Australian PM Scott Morrison is promoting forced vaccinations for children and adults while slowly eliminating the unvaccinated population from everyday society. In...

The Ocean Shipping Reform Act

American farmers are struggling to send their goods overseas as the East simply does not want American exports. The Ocean Shipping Reform Act passed in the House...

Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it...

Top Cardiologist Warns of Deadly Vaccine Induced Myocarditis in Children

Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in his field, has warned that myocarditis due to the vaccine is “way more serious” than myocarditis contracted from the...

AstraZeneca Vaccination Side Effects

COMMENT: I am one of the people who has suffered at the hands of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine BUT no one really believes me!I live in Botswana and all of 2020 we kept...

Is Stupidity Now a Requirement to be a Politician?

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has ordered that indoor public places statewide, including restaurants and shops, must order all staff and customers to either show...

Britsh Court Claims US Will Treat Assange Humanely

In perhaps the most absurd ruling of any court, a British Appeals Court ruled that the US assurance that Assange will be treated with humanity is a joke. He will be...

Rep. Chip Roy: If We Don’t Stop It, This Country Will Not Survive

Watch Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) destroy the House by questioning government spending and a complete lack of communication between parties. The Democrats pushed forward...

Zarah Sultana MP: Rules for Thee but Not for Me

British Parliament Labour Party member Zarah Sultana has urged the public to wear masks. “I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber… I see most Tories not wearing...

The Hoax of Biden’s Democracy Summit

The #1 Fake News Network in the world, CNN, has gone after China and Russia for calling Biden’s Summit of Democracy a joke. Of course, CNN apparently does not...