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International News

The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?

When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because...

Biden Controversy in the Wind

For some time, there has been suggested that pages from Ashley Biden implying that Joe Biden molested his own daughter had been floating around. Project Veritas was...

Vaccinate Your Kids & Donate their Organs in One Stop Shopping

This is a spoof, but it is well...

Why Biden Does not Care About his Polls

Now the USA Today/Suffolk University survey showed just 37.8% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance in office. A whopping 70% say the US is headed in the...

Biden’s New Anti-Republican & Independent Punitive Orders.

The Biden Administration has continued its onslaught against political adversaries by now creating rules that workers at larger businesses will have to get...

North Korea On the Brink of Famine

We recently reported that there is a cycle to famine. Sadly, the hermit kingdom of North Korea is no stranger to starvation due to the mass human rights abuses...

WEC Scandinavia Report for 2021

The WEC Report for attendees on Scandinavia covers Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. We have also included the currencies for Norway &...

The Virginia & NJ Elections Warn of Political Chaos in 2022

The upset in Virginia is very critical, as well as the close vote in New Jersey, where the odds were that the Democrat would win, 95% assured. McAuliffe faced a 52%...

NIH Begins Damage Control to Cover Fauci’s Lies

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has begun quietly covering up Fauci’s unspeakable crimes. The White Coat Waste Project, a non-profit watchdog, blew the...