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International News

Canada COVID Concentration Camps?

  Trudeau denies that there are COVID internment or concentration camps, but does not directly come out and deny it. He simply says: this story is designed to...

What a Real Doctor Has to Say

There are a lot of doctors who read these posts, and there are doctors I know and can vouch for as being real. This is an email from one such person I can...

Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Do you think we are living in the end times? It seems like they are trying to absolutely control every aspect of our lives with cryptocurrencies to...

The Battle over the Virus – Real or Not

REQUEST-ECDC-AND-RESPONSE There is a huge debate over the COVID-19 and if this is real or not. But this ends up being a distraction because it is a tool, real or...

COVID & Isolating the Virus

  QUESTION: Has this virus been isolated? So many say it has not but how can it be engineered if it is not isolated? SJ ANSWER: It has been...

Alberta Drops COVID Restrictions

In Alberta, Canada, Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid restrictions. He issued a subpoena to...

Italy Denying the Right to Vote if Unvaccinated

  I have been warning that the end goal here is the pure authoritarian rule. My critics have called me just a Trump supporter and call any notion that this...

Employers Will be Responsible for Mandatory Vaccine Reactions

A number of people have written in about their employer saying get vaccinated or you are fired. I suggest that a lawyer send a letter stating that these vaccines...

COVID & Infertility

  The governor of Arkansas brought up the #1 question that has been rising more than anything – do the vaccines result in infertility? You have to listen...