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International News

COVID – A Convenient Virus

German researchers have disagreed with the WHO which claimed Wuhan lab was not the source of the virus. This virus was planned and the action of the World Economic...

Canada 2021 Report Now Available in the Store

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his...

Our Legal System is Pro-Tyranny

In the Netherlands, a court in The Hague has told the Dutch government that an overnight curfew to reduce the spread of coronavirus should be lifted, ruling that it...

Amsterdam Has Retaken Financial Capital of Europe? Was this Cyclically on Time?

EURONEXT has now beaten out London retaking back the financial capital insofar as stock trading is concerned thanks to Boris Johnson and of course BREXIT. The...

Vaccines & Corruption

  COMMENT: Sir, My sister is the primary caregiver of our 87 year old mother. She called the other day asking if mom should get the COVID vaccine. I told her...

NY State Detention Camps for Anything the Governor Declares is a Threat?

QUESTION: Marty, Please would you provide clarity on this Bill. Is this a legitimate Bill passed in NY, are we looking at FEMA camps being used for New York...

No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks

What is really amazing is how far we as societies are allowing politicians who have no qualifications in medicine to roll out draconian decrees. These measures are...

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members...

Election Allegations

  The Election Analysis...

Putin’s Warnings at the World Economic Forum

Putin’s speech at the World Economic Forum was quite insightful. He said that we “are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic...