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International News

Biden Exempts Congress from Vaccine Mandate But not Post Office

The rumors are flying because Biden has not actually released the Executive Order yet. Now it is clarified that the Post Office will be mandated to take the...

Roe v Wade & Vaccines – The Court Must Choose Right to Privacy Still Exists

COMMENT: Marty; I have always voted Democrat and I voted for Biden. But I want to say his vaccine mandate is so inconsistent with everything I can no longer vote...

Biden Takes Action on this Questionable Virus

Biden has withdrawn any exception for a vaccine if you are a government worker or a company that does any contract work for the government. Sources in Washington...

The Dishonesty Behind the Headlines – Politicians You Just Cannot Trust

There are a lot of doctors and scientists who have been silenced over this entire COVID scam. This raises serious questions that the media, which has sold its soul...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold, Elections & September ’21

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold, Elections & September ’21 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Is Australia’s Health Minister Dr. Chant being Bribed or just Stupid?

The Australian health chief Dr. Kerry Chant seems to have forgotten everything about medicine and really should be investigated but with a corrupt government,...

Australia COVID Concentration Camps Destined to Break Up Australia

  In Australia, the government and the police have simply gone insane. They have created mandatory quarantine confinement, much like isolated confinement in a...