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International News

Can Congress Really put Trump on Trial to Impeach him?

QUESTION: You said the impeachment may be illegal because Trump is no longer the president. Do you think it will still go on? DK ANSWER: We are in the twilight...

Trump’s Impeachment Trial set for February 8th

  I always find it very interesting how our model picks up key targets in time in advance and then the fundamentals unfold to fit the computer forecasts....

PRIVATE BLOG – Is Cash Starting to Move to Tangibles? Is the Crack Here?

PRIVATE BLOG – Is Cash Starting to Move to Tangibles? Is the Crack Here? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Are The Democrats Really in a Bear Market?

QUESTION: You say that the Democratic Party is on the decline but it would appear to be the exact opposite. The GOP proved to be traitors when they turned against...

The Egomaniacs & the Thinking Process

QUESTION: You have had billions. Why did that not make you as insane as Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, and Dorsey? DG ANSWER: BigTech sees the power to overthrow the...

Australia Imposes $50,000 Fine for Not Wearing Mask; Florida Beats New York

  Brisbane has imposed a $50,000 fine for not wearing a mask. In Florida, we did not go insane. Most small businesses survived and we did not have draconian...

QAnon & The Conspiracy Craziness

COMMENT: Well, you seem to be the only one who is real. The army was supposed to come to the rescue. Trump was to be sworn in by 11AM. Trump was supposed to have...

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than...

The Enslavement of Fear

QUESTION: I just can’t understand why the military armed forces and secret intelligence services all agree with the Marxist left.  Why? MG ANSWER: Make no...