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International News

UK Arrest Woman for Filming Empty Hospital

I have received photos of hospitals in London that are not crowded. Claims that there is no space and people are being treated outside in ambulances and the...

Politicians Besieged at Gun Point over Corrupt Elections in 1946

  One reader pointed out that this would not be the first election that led to violence because of corrupt politicians counting votes in their favor. The...

Countries who take the Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine Have Lowest Cases of COVID!

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong It seems to me that if a country has Malaria problems it apparently also has a very low number of Covid19 cases. I think the...

Fauci Lied – He Never Took the Maderna Vaccine

  When Fauci staged him pretending to get the vaccine, it was in his left arm. When he was interviewed about it, he said his arm was a little sore as with all...

80% of People Taking Maderna Vaccine Had Significant Side-Effects

I have warned that there is a legal precedent for mandatory vaccinations which dates back to a 1905 Supreme Court case Jacobson v. Massachusetts after a smallpox...

Germany’s soft lockdown turns into hard lockdown in December  

  In November, all restaurants and cultural institutions such as museums, opera houses, cinemas, and events had to close. Every day demonstrations take place...

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even...

COVID from a reader

COMMENT: Marty. You are correct. People are afraid of others. They think they will die! I have covid now. Positive on monday. Only mild cold symptoms: stuff nose,...

Are Masks & Social Distancing Creating Permanent Psychological Damage?

  I have received a number of emails pro and con masks. Plain and simple, masks will not prevent you from getting COVID-19. Even Saint Fauci, who the world...