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International News

Hungary Interview


CDC Proves it Cannot be Trusted.

The CDC has clearly and deliberately manipulated the COVID number in Florida obviously for political reasons. They combined several days of numbers to make...

Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects....

Israel Taking Children from UNVACCINATED Parents?

  There seems to be nobody with common sense in governments anymore. Perhaps this is what leads to worldwide revolution and blood-bath by 2032. In Israel, they...

Who Should be Vaccinated & Who Should NOT!

My problem with this whole vaccine question is that many people are dying after being vaccinated and others are fine. This demand that EVERYONE must be vaccinated...

UK v US Healthcare

COMMENT: Hello Martin I recently heard in the area that I live that a nurse confirmed that a lot of the doctors in hospitals did not treat patients in the hospital...

Pfizer’s Immunity & Monopoly?

  There really was no regulation to speak of when it came to medicine prior to the 20th century. The Food and Drug Administration was not created until 1906...

COVID Pandemic Can Never End Because 50% of People Have Been Vaccinated

  Nearly 50% of those who have COVID in Israel were fully vaccinated. The significance of this overlooked detail is that getting vaccinated will NOT STOP...

The CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?

Zuckerberg is a very dangerous adolescent who has clearly not grown up. Personally, I would never own a single share of Facebook when its management is just so...