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International News

Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges

QUESTION: Would you cut off a corporate client who is endorsing this WOKE movement? LD ANSWER: Any corporation seeking to take our models while joining...

Fauci Believes the Constitution Should be Suspended

  REP. JORDAN: “What objective outcome do we have to reach before Americans get their freedoms and liberties back?” FAUCI: “I don’t...

Chauvin Trial – A Political Nightmare

While the jury found Derek Chauvin guilty on all charges, he faces a maximum of 75 years in prison but what he would face is probably the hardest time of all. Why?...

The Ultimate Protection Better than Masks or Shields

  The leftist governments are ecstatic. This is the ultimate protection against COVID and revolution, for it prevents freedom of assembly and speech to mass...

The DOJ has Always Been a Political Tool

QUESTION: You said that Barr would not defend Trump. Are you implying that the DOJ is just a tool of the President? GH ANSWER: Absolutely. Barr would not appoint...

Twitter Acting to Protect CNN Rather than the People

If you ever needed any proof that Twitter is out to overthrow the United States and transform it into a leftist utopia, the proof is now clear. Dorsey and his...

Stacking the Court Pelosi Backs Down

COMMENT: Marty; your piece on the Supreme Court made a difference. Printouts were circulating around the hill. Pelosi refused to bring it to a vote because all she...

Fauci Preaching Total World Control is Necessary

Fauci is now pushing Bill Gates’ agenda that the ENTIRE WORLD must be vaccinated against a virus that is no more deadly than the flu. Yet, the vaccines have...

Speranza Resigns in Italy Admitting This is a Marxist Revolution Using Covid

Roberto Speranza is the Italian politician of the Chamber of Deputies who served as national secretary of Article One. He also served as the Minister of Health...