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International News

Kamala Harris’ Tactics Overruled by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court ruled against Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies when she was the top prosecutor in California. The justices threw out California’s...

Australia Wrongly Injects 163 Children with Wrong Experimental Vaccine

  I really do not know when people will STOP trusting government bureaucrats. The people who typically work in government are there because they are...

Resistance is NOT Futile – I told you So!

  In ancient Rome, the people had NO POWER at the ballot box. Nonetheless, the Emperors were forced to deal with the people because the MOB could always storm...

The Nightmare of the EU   QUESTION: Hello martin I read your blog about the madness going on in Spain and you said this is what will happen...

Taiwan & the Risks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it you see China retaking Taiwan in the years ahead. I read your latest report. With your expertise, how do you see that unfolding?...

A Critique of mRNA Vaccines

    This is a reasonable 25-minute video on COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccine. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus & the vaccine including how...

They Lack Charisma

COMMENT: I agree. It seems that they are trying to use Jan 6th for support and make conservatives the enemy.  However, are they succeeding?  They certainly do...

Judge Defends Big Tech Censorship

In Florida, a federal judge blocked a new Florida law that seeks to punish large social media businesses like Facebook and Twitter if they remove content or ban...

Election Fraud

COMMENT: Martin, I am an election manager (coordinator) in —- and I have been observing the election fraud situation. In the states that are at issue, there...