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International News

France Erupts as Law Criminalizes Showing the Face of Police even when Abusing Rights of Citizens

This Communist 3.0 agenda being thrust upon the world by Kaus Schwab and his supporters will lead to major violence and revolutions. Thousands have taken to the...

Testimony on Vaccines


Hack Vote Machines


Trump said Twitter Has Become a National Security Threat

  Others have been writing in that they have now censored Pat Buchanan as well. It seems that anyone who they dislike is being censored. President Trump has...

Judge Blocks Pennsylvania & Powell Files Sues George & Michigan Others Sue Wisconsin

  All is not lost. I do not think that Trump can win by overturning votes. There is no time for that. What is possible is to prevent these four states,...

The Decline & Fall of the West

COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, We need more pics like Winnipeg Costco out in the news: They might wake up the sleeping herd! I’m writing from Toronto...

Prince Charles Agrees with Gates – Reduce the World Population

Prince Charles is no longer fit to become King. The Queen should remove him now from any path to the crown. Athelstan was the first king of all England,...

Supreme Court Rulings – Very Interesting

The Supreme Court blocked an Alabama Judge who was going to allow “curbside voting” as if this was MacDonalds’ drive-through. In a 5-3 decision,...

Suburban Wacko, Gun-Toting Zealots v Urban Intelectual Leftists?

QUESTION: Marty, Have you ever done a study that explains why so many people who live in large urban areas are so inclined to vote democratic or for liberal...