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International News

NYC Out of its Mind – Mandating 12 year olds be Vaccinated?

COMMENT: Greeting Martin So last night the NYC private schools announced that ages 12+ will be mandated to take the emergency authorized experimental vaccine. This...

German Youth Rising

My friends in Germany are asking when will American rebel? German RAP Song against COVID showing the Youth is also not buying this COVID scam. German Fake News song...

Nuns in London – Do not Vaccinate

  Who do you believe? Biden, Johnson, CNN, BBC, Facebook, Twitter, Gates, Schwab, Big-Pharm – or nuns? Many people are writing in saying to call your...

The Youth Are the Future – Resistance is Not Futile

  #JUSTSAYNO RC – Just Say No (Official...

Dr Fauci – the Politician & Stooge of WEF

While Babylon Bee just did a roast of the lovable Dr. Fauci who keeps changing his recommendations and claims almost on a weekly basis, has suddenly said he does...

Why BigTech are State Actors & Violate our Civil Rights

As many know, I lived in London years ago. At the upper end of Hyde Park by Marble Arch, there is Speakers’ Corner. That is where anyone could stand up and...

Vaccines Are for Sheep?

COMMENT #1: Hello Marty, I hope you are well.   We are living in a “crazy” world. Some states are desperately trying to bribe people to get their...

Rule of Law – Florida v New York

QUESTION: With Wall Street banks migrating to Florida, will the courts there protect them as they do in New York. Will legal action in Florida be forced back to New...

FREXIT is Rising

There is a rising minority that is starting to blame France’s prolonged economic decline on joining the euro. They are demanding that Macron take back control...