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International News

Why Republics Are Always the Worst Form of Government

COMMENT: I think the only woman he shook hands with, ironically, was Margery Taylor Green, if that was her – it’s hard to tell these days. Another...

Newsom faces Recall in California

While the California governor faces a major effort to end his political career for being a lockdown Nazi, Florida’s governor DeSantis confirms making it clear...

Great Reset & Fake Pandemic

COMMENT: Marty, It’s one thing to steal an election, create a border crisis(when there was none) and then orchestrate an alleged attack on the Capitol, thus...

Biden Confuses We the People with Politicians

Thomas Paine said that those in power think they are the nation. We just listened to Biden and he confirmed that statement. He said that those in Washington are...

Generals Calling for Overthrow of Macron

Macron has been following Gates and Schwab taking France into a very dangerous future where the racial tensions are rising because of the lockdowns and loss of...

Protests in Europe Continue – Lockdowns & Curfews were a Tool of Hitler

    In Germany, some police are still anti-human rights, using their authority to beat people up for protesting. When a revolution does come, such people...

New York & California losing Seats as the Mass Exodus continues

  The two states that are dictating what goes down in Washington are California with Pelosi in the House and New York with Schumer. Now they will reap what...

Why Biden is the Perfect President   In all honesty, what people call “natural law” is simply a vague body of moral principles regarded as...

Election Fraud Cases Continue   The importance of continuing to challenge the election really has nothing to do with reversing the election to...