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International News

Politics is Often Stranger than Fiction

  Documents have surfaced that indicate Hunter Biden’s signature on a receipt for $85 at a Delaware computer The Mac Shop where he dropped off laptops...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Slow Drip Strategy

PRIVATE BLOG – The Slow Drip Strategy Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Half of Europe’s Small Businesses Fear They Cannot Survive

Business confidence in Europe is in crash mode. Over half of Europe’s small firms fear for survival, survey finds. They seem to be correct. This Great Reset...

Fauci – Truth – Coming Tyranny

There is a lot of disinformation running around concerning COVID-19. There is a virus, that is for sure. It was not a biological weapon, for the kill ratio is way...

Shareholders Pay the Fines & The Bankers Get the Bonuses

You will never see a banker EVER go to jail or be charged individually because there is no money in that. They will always charge just the bank so they get these...

Was the 536 AD Environmental Disaster Picked up on the ECM?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope you are well. We know the world is in for a dramatic change. I think that the Sun and consequently Nature is the driving force, we...

Trump to call Hunter’s Business Partner to the Debate Tonight

Well, the one thing we will remember about 2020 is it has been one hell of a political year. Trump is said to have invited Tony Bobulinski, Hunter’s partner...

Trump Releases the Raw 60 Minute Interview

Trump released the 60 minute interview before it airs. This will be interesting to how they edit it. That is the reason he has released it. Leslie attacks Trump...

Hunter’s Ex-Partner Confirms Joe Biden Took Money Sanctioned by Communist Party for Influence

  The Big-Tech and Mainstream Media refuse to report on the Hunter Biden saga claiming the emails were stolen or some other nonsense they do not apply when it...

Ten of Thousands of Doctors Confirm this is a Hoax

  This conspiracy to rob us of all our freedoms and install Marxism by sheer force is just far beyond anything I would have ever imagined was possible. If they...