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International News

Biden’s First Press Conference – Oh Boy!

    Biden is not competent to be President — plain and simple. During his first press conference, he had cheatsheets and only took questions from...

Armstrong Interview by Greg Hunter

Rule of Law Collapsed in USA – Martin Armstrong Please click on the title in the above image to view Martin Armstrong’s interview with Greg Hunter from USA...

The Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution

I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns, they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration...

Sidney Powell – Her Side

As I stated, Sidney Powell’s legal argument was simply that there was no harm even if she had just made up the story, which she states she did not. CNN...

Lawsuits Filed Against Vaccines in International Criminal Court

COMMENT: Hello Marty, I hope you are well and staying very healthy! Here is a link related to ongoing deaths from this “gene therapy” spun as a vaccine....

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States has been Going on for Thousands of Years – It’s Just Our Turn!

COMMENT: Marty: I was re-reading Herodotus and saw early in his book a reference to the rise and fall of civilizations pertinent to the concept of capital flows:...

Sidney Powell Shoots Herself in the Head – not the Foot

  QUESTION: What do you think about Sidney Powell saying no reasonable person would believe what she says. HD ANSWER: I understand the legal argument that...

Solution for Biden’s Many Falls?

  Joe Biden was 78 when he took the oath of office as the 46th president of the United States in January 2021. This earned him the spot as the oldest president...

Has Russian TV Become the Only Real Media?

    This is really a said statement on Western Press when RU reports on the Worldwide Freedom Protests and Western Press calls it all extremists,...

Border Control Crisis

There are now 13,000+ children in custody at the border. This is the mess that was created by the Democrats bashing Trump all the time, so they painted themselves...