QUESTION: Marty, Please would you provide clarity on this Bill. Is this a legitimate Bill passed in NY, are we looking at FEMA camps being used for New York...
What is really amazing is how far we as societies are allowing politicians who have no qualifications in medicine to roll out draconian decrees. These measures are...
AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members...
Putin’s speech at the World Economic Forum was quite insightful. He said that we “are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic...
The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump a second time Saturday after a historic impeachment trial which was totally unconstitutional since Trump was no...
The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party....
Biden told the press before calling Governor DeSantis of Florida was “irresponsible” for opening up when other states were locked down. Biden objected...
The official numbers are in. The British economy shrank 9.9% in 2020 thanks to the deliberate actions of Boris Johnson who should be dragged out of office,...