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International News

Have Gates & Crew Crossed the Line

COMMENT: Here in Palm Beach County Florida, I am beginning to see the sheeple waking up. Friends and neighbors who were in denial or ignorant are expressing their...

Sky News: Hydroxychloroquine – ‘it saves lives’

The Insanity of Boris Johnson & the Destruction of Britain

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Slovak Parliament passed, a few days ago, the law that obliges telecoms to hand over to the Ministry of Health the data (name, cell phone number,...

Will Trump Win in a Landslide?

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, It looks like President Trump will win, possibly in a landslide and the powers-that-be, of course, will challenge that. But their power...

The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their...

Germany Admits There Never Has Been an Epidemiological Emergency!

  Our computer has a full database of diseases and works out the cyclical nature. The annual flu shot is developed on a cyclical basis assuming the strain will...

Are the Democrats using the 1932 Play-Book to Overthrow Trump?

The real question nobody seems to be asking, is the 2020 election 1932 all over again? Most people have no idea that there was major civil unrest under the pretense...

Ruthless Tyranny by Police in Melbourne

  With more and more evidence coming out that this COVID-19 has been an orchestrated political attempt to prepare to subjugate the people for this Great Reset,...

CDC Said there Have Been More Suicides Than Death by COVID-19

The Director of the CDC has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19. The leftist media...

California & the 2020 Election

Here is a glimpse of the models we are running on the individual states. It appears that the vote for Trump may be overwhelmingly a surprise. We see the vote for...