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International News

Mario Draghi – The Destroyer of the Euro – He’s Back!

As always, politicians, once they taste power, just cannot stay away. Mario Draghi, the guy who has destroyed Europe with his negative interest rates since 2014...

PRIVATE BLOG – China Stockpiling Food

PRIVATE BLOG – China Stockpiling Food Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Myanmar Coup & Election Fraud

QUESTION: When you were in Singapore, you said that Myanmar was at political risk beginning in 2021 to 2022. Can you elaborate on the given this coup? FB ANSWER:...

Have Twitter & Facebook Crossed the Line?

Both Twitter and Facebook really should be shut down for what they have done is cleverly transforming themselves from a “platform” into a media...

Art Still Rising in Price – Tangible Assets Rise

The highest price ever paid for a Botticelli was just realized – $92 million. This is clearly part of the shift in assets from public to private. I certainly...

Paris Protests Continue

Protests have erupted once again in France over this Global Security Bill. Despite what these global elite think they can pull off, our models are simply warning...

Congress is Deeply Divided & it’s Not Repairable

  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is refusing to work with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas after he tweeted a signal that the two of them could work together...

Canada & The Canceling of its Currency

QUESTION #1: If Canada is not a dictatorship, how can Trudeau cancel the dollar? How can he do so in secret? RW QUESTION #2: Why can’t Biden follow Trudeau...

Democrats to Tear Down the Supreme Court?

  There is no question that the Democrats feel like they have to change everything. Stacking the Supreme Court was attempted by Roosevelt in 1937 and he lost....