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International News

New Ad Depicts 2020 Election as a War

  Socrates not only had forecast that 2015.75 would be the peak in government and the start of the Big Bang, which was initiated by the move to negative...

This Virus is Causing Psychological Damage to the General Population

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Yesterday I went to my local golf club to practice. (It should be noted it is an excellent golf course yet public facility and subsidized by that...

Gates & Fauci – Above the Law

The left media like the Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN protect Fauci and have constantly come out against hydroxychloroquine. They insist we all must be...

Australian Police Will Even Break Windows & Drag People Out of Their Cars

Trump & Abolishing the Income Tax

COMMENT: No matter what you deny, you are advising Trump. He quotes you often and now he is taking your position that taxes are irrelevant and should be abolished....

FT’s Interview of Putin 2019

  To understand the confrontation between the USA and Russia, and the future of the world monetary system, it is always important to listen to the opposition...

Trump uses Executive Order to Provide Tax & Unemployment Relief the Democrats Refuse to Provide

President Trump signed executive orders on Saturday to provide relief while the Democrats are more interested in trying to hurt people just to win the White House....

The Degeneration or Politics

The real sad change in politics has been just to win votes from people by saying anything and just installing figure-heads while the Deep State really runs the...

Belgium Files LawSuit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson

Hundreds of angry Belgians have filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates, Belgium, and a British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson in court. They want all corona measures to...