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International News

Protests Against Lockdown in Berlin

Nearly 20,000 protested in Berlin over the weekend against the lockdown and arguing that masks make them slaves. Many have ignored wearing masks and physical...

Can Trump Postpone the Election? Maybe He Can!

Trump tweeted about postponing the election due to the mail-in voting without proving who you are. There is a lot of fake news running around claiming that the 20th...

Wheat & the Fourth Quarter of 2020

COMMENT: Hope all is well We as farmers are paying a price as our pm is bad-mouthing the Chinese. We, Australian farmers, have had a rough deal over the last 30...

The Elitists Are Risking their Lives to Maintain Lockdowns

COMMENT: Hi Marty. Is it time to despair yet?? (Only half kidding…) Pretty much every country is now bringing back restrictions, obligatory masks, regional...

New York’s Bill de Blasio

Many people have asked if it is true that New York’s Bill de Blasio went to Nicaragua and is a Socialist who wants to end capitalism. Yes! He was born Warren...

China v US Confrontation

China on Friday ordered the United States to shut its consulate in Chengdu in response to the American closure of China’s equivalent branch in Houston. The...

Facebook Calls for the Break-Up of US Government

The high Tech leaders are to testify before Congressional House antitrust investigation into the market power of major tech companies. This will in Jeff Bezos, the...

Doctors Appear in Washington To Protest Panic Created by Media Over COVID   Many states have directed pharmacies to refuse to honor a...

Switzerland Bans Singing under COVID

COMMENT #1: Our village event to celebrate the August 1st Swiss national holiday has been brought indoor (sic !) with separated tables etc.. but the best is just to...