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International News

The Obamas Fuel Class Warfare

Michelle Obama’s comments at the Democratic National Convention were hypocritical to the point of sounding comical. Adorned in a $3,000 pantsuit, the former First...


QUESTION: What do you think about the Democratic Convention? DS   ANSWER: It was just a hate fest. They said Trump’s name 329 times. There was nothing...

Pavel Durov Arrested by France To Kill Telegram

We are headed into 2032, and every day that passes brings another step closer to revealing what I have warned about: this last 8.6-year wave will become the most...

RFK Endorses Trump & Will Join His Cabinet

  COMMENT: Congratulations. You are the only one who has been pushing this for months. What position will he take in Trump’s Cabinet? FK ANSWER: I want...

The Cities with the Highest Unemployment in America

The Democratic National Convention occurring in Chicago is touting the importance of defeating Trump, climate change, gun control, and abortion. These are the ONLY...

Trump Explains Why the Establishment HATES Him

  We already know why the establishment hates Donald J. Trump. Socrates predicted a third party candidate would win the 2016 US Presidential Election. A...

Who Was the Real Inspiration to the American Revolution? Are We Doomed to Repeat History?

I recently watched an excellent series on the History Channel, Sons of Liberty. The series starts only in 1765 and thus omits the start of the civil unrest in...

Klaus Schwab Warns of “an Era of Shock Events”

  The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded organization many consider terrorists that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no...

Tim Walz Praises Communism

An old article from Tim Walz resurfaced, and it once again indicated that he was against democracy. In 1991, two years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, Tim Walz...