It has been confirmed by the New York Post that Joe Biden was an “eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady...
QUESTION: Are there people who end up with long-term effects from COVID-19? AH ANSWER: Unfortunately, yes. There are support groups forming and I do some people who...
U.S. government has concluded that Iran was behind threatening emails sent to Democrats. It is known that both Russia and Iran have gained access to lists of...
Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children’s skin so they can be scanned for vaccine compliance and anything else to be determined later....
As of the weekend, more than 26 million people have voted, according to the U.S. Elections Project, a turnout-tracking database run by the University of Florida...
It seems very strange that Trump was seen as being bullish for stocks, but Wall Street is trying to claim a Blue Wave will be even more bullish under Biden. Even...
COMMENT: I really had to laugh how many people claim they called the Trump victory in 2016 on just inuendos. The real laugh is the lastest one that claims Pelosi,...
The entire purpose of lockdowns was supposed to flatten the curve because so many people would get sick and die in the millions, there would not be enough bed...