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International News

If You Want to See A Police State – Look At Australia

I loved Melbourne (Melbin as they pronounce it) and flew there often to meet with mining companies and business leaders. The city with its trams and unique way of...

Germany & The Far-Left Press Called them All Far-Right Radicals

  COMMENT: Dear Marty, I wrote the below report today From Germany, to my children in Canada and US. Re: Berlin Demonstration 29.08. 2020, Quote I am just...

Storming the Reichstag – Another False Flag by the Government?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I followed the Berlin protest and was so happy that people are finally waking up, however, today, the whole mainstream media narrative...

Comments From Germany

COMMENT #1: Hello Martin! Hope you an your family are doing good! Thank you very much for your support! Just a small summary today sunday 13:00 Berlin time: The...

British View of US Elections

COMMENT #1: Hello Marty; I hope all is well. Shame you are not here to see how barmy   London has become. Just wanted to say, your forecast on BREXIT was correct...

London Protests Against COVID Restrictions

A massive rally took place also in London demanding an end to what they call is a hoax. They are telling the politicians that “people are coming today to make...

Canada Protest Against COVID Restrictions