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International News

Masks & Elbows – End of Shaking Hands?

COMMENT: meine bank – volksbank düsseldorf-neuss – hat mir mein laufendes konto gekündigt,weil ich mich geweigert habe, eine maske zu tragen und zwar...

CIA Confirms RussiaGate Made up by Hillary

  In all my years of having to deal with politicians around the world, I have NEVER witnessed such a complete collapse in all integrity. Even in this video,...

PRIVATE BLOG – ECB & the Digital Euro

PRIVATE BLOG – ECB & the Digital Euro Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The 2016 Soft Coup Unraveling

The Coup Against Trump because he was anti-war and “not one of us” is unraveling deeper and deeper corruption which is leading right to Gina Haspel who...

Importance of Police/Army in a Revolution

  I have often explained that revolutions will be bloody if the army supports the government. Gaius Caesar Germanicus, we commonly refer to him by his...

International Lawsuits Being Prepared Against The Corona Scam

Police Brutality Getting Way Out of Control

COMMENT: In Canada like other countries, the lockdown was so well coordinated among Federal, provincial, and municipal governments. It is amazing and no one is...