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International News

Tusk we Don’t Need USA

  QUESTION: You said Europe thinks it no longer needs the United States to defend it. Do you have any leaders saying that publicly? UT ANSWER: Polish PM Donald...

Romanian Uprising thanks to EU & US Interference in Their Election

  The Romanians, I suppose, must all be far-right, but that is the current mood, and the interference in their election has only increased the anti-corrupt...

36% of Americans in Favor of Socialism

Socialism has become a trendy topic in the US in recent years. Progressive politicians paint it as a utopia where everyone is treated equally and thrives under the...

Norway Disavows Private Company Refusing to Fuel American Ships & Russia Attacks Supply Line

A private Norwegian fuel supplier Haltbakk Bunkers, has said after the way Zelensky was treated by Trump, they are cutting off all fuel for American Ships. The...

Chrystia Freeland Canada Needs to Arm Nuclear Against the USA

Chrystia Freeland, Klaus Schwab’s stooge, has gone rogue and is pitching to become the next prime minister of Canada. She claims that the world is looking to...

Ukraine Filing Impeachment of Zelensky

The Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky is not calling for the impeachment of Zelensky after his insistence to go to the White House and attempting to embarrass Trump,...

Ukrainian Film on the Real Zelensky – The War Criminal

  Zelensky has ZERO interest in stopping the war. His dictatorship would come to an end, and I have not spoken to a single REAL Ukrainian who would vote for...

Armstrong on USA WatchDog.COM

Europe is Falling & Needs War with Russia – Martin Armstrong...

Zelensky Gathers More European Anti-American Support

QUESTION: Can you give any details as to how you knew Zelensky was trying to embarrass Trump in front of the world media? EY ANSWER: All I can say is that I was...

Why Europe Wants War

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I follow you with great interest. Please can you make it clear, in ‘Simpleton terms’ ( IE, for those of us who are unable to fully...