Appellate Judge Amy Coney Barrett is at the top of the list for replacements for Justice Ginsberg. Like hydroxychloroquine, simply because Trump nominates her she...
COMMENT: I cannot affirm that Boris has read your book Manipulating the World Economy, but it has been seen in 10 Downing Street. Annonymous REPLY: I don’t...
QUESTION: Marty; Do you ever advise Boris Johnson? HS ANSWER: No. I have never spoken with him nor with any member of his staff that I am aware of. Perhaps some in...
Joe Biden has now come out and said that nobody would have died from the virus if Trump did his job. This is just unbelievable. When Trump closed travel from China...
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to sit on the Supreme Court, died Friday of cancer after more than a quarter-century on the court at the...
COMMENT: What is wrong with Andrews? Does he have a Hitler/Napoleon Complex? The police are thugs. They are becoming criminals and Andrews says nobody will get hurt...
Some states are now looking to impose the very same restriction they do with criminals by forcing people to wear bracelets to enforce home confinement. There is...