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International News

Archbishop Viganò has called this a ‘colossal electoral fraud’ That must be defeated

Archbishop Viganò: America is in midst of ‘colossal electoral fraud,’ we must pray NOW to defeat enemy I guess he too has joined the Conspiracy...

London is being Destroyed by Boris Johnson

I lived in London. It was my favorite city in the world. I lived at 62 Cornwall Gardens off Gloucester Road. I loved the culture there that included all the small...

The Voting Dead

The scheme to steal this election is off the charts. One guy in Florida was trying to vote for 400 dead people for Biden. In another case, absentee ballots were...

NHS Nurse Resigns say Gov’t Counting Flu & Covid Together Real number only 3 in Hospital for COVID

  NHS Nurse Publicly Resigns, Blasts COVID Lockdown Policy NHS Nurse Resigns over LOCKDOWN Scam by Boris Johnson’s Treason The Conspiracy Theorists Are...

Supreme Court Ordered Democrats to Respond by Thursday in Pennsylvania

The Supreme Court ordered Pennsylvania Democrats to respond by Thursday evening in a case challenging the state’s three-day extension for counting mail-in...

UK Destroying Families with COVID Restrictions

  This is a very sad story and how the police are acting like Nazis claiming they are just following orders. They arrest a nurse who tried to remove her mother...

The Police Join Protestors in Naples, Italy

This is what we need to desperately save our future. The police have to wake up and see that they are destroying, not just their own future, but that of their...

Lockdowns for Climate Change

This entire move for lockdowns under COVID-19 is not going away. They have destroyed businesses intentionally to end commuting. They are determined to end fossil...

Social Media & Press are No Longer Trust Worthy

QUESTION: Marty, do you trust fact check? GK ANSWER: Absolutely not! They admit they work with Facebook. I do not think you can trust any fact-checking organization...