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International News

CDC Said there Have Been More Suicides Than Death by COVID-19

The Director of the CDC has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19. The leftist media...

California & the 2020 Election

Here is a glimpse of the models we are running on the individual states. It appears that the vote for Trump may be overwhelmingly a surprise. We see the vote for...

Tens of Thousands Protest in Victoria After Andrews Arrests a Pregnant Woman

  The peaceful march in Victoria with the cry “FREE VICTORIA” from the tyranny of Andrews showed that 10s of thousands of people came out risking...

German Health Minister Admits Lockdowns Were a Mistake

While in the United States, Twitter, Youtube, CNN, and the rest of the growing Marxist supporters try to claim the CDC didn’t say that less than 10,000 people...

Daniel Andrews – Australia’s Dictator – Crimes Against Humanity

The tyranny of using this virus to shut down and rig elections is extremely dangerous. The New Zealand government has locked down Auckland after just four new cases...

Less Than 15,000 People Have Died from COVID with Other Causes under 55

There has been a lot of turmoil about just how many people have died from COVID. The problem stems from the fact that they have other diseases and perhaps COVID has...

Is Biden for Real?

  I seriously question if Biden’s convention speech was manufactured, and I do not care that there were left-wing journalists there swearing it was all...

Ventilators Kill

COMMENT: Sir, Having taught medical folks at all levels( medical students, residents, fellows and practicing physicians), this makes me feel sick. Keep up the good...

Australian Tyranny – Is Revolution Coming?

  This video shows the tyranny in Australia as they arrested a pregnant woman for posting about a protest against the lockdowns. We have warned that the War...