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International News

A Blue Wave is Bullish?

It seems very strange that Trump was seen as being bullish for stocks, but Wall Street is trying to claim a Blue Wave will be even more bullish under Biden. Even...

Chuck Schumer will not Lose – Because He is Not Running

COMMENT: I really had to laugh how many people claim they called the Trump victory in 2016 on just inuendos. The real laugh is the lastest one that claims Pelosi,...

Canadian Internment Camps

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’m in Canada and we just got back from a trip to the USA. I just read your post “New Bill Gives Immunity to Military Over...

New Bill Gives Immunity to Military Over Australians During Emergencies & Canada Internment Camps

The entire purpose of lockdowns was supposed to flatten the curve because so many people would get sick and die in the millions, there would not be enough bed...

Vote by Mail Fraud

  It has long been a joke in Chicago that once you voted in 1920, you keep voting long past you are dead and buried. It’s your civil duty in Chicago. So...

2020 US Elections & Beyond Report Now Available

This is a special report that provides the forecasting arrays out for 12 years, so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously only to...

PRIVATE BLOG – Can Biden be Indicted Before or After the Vote?

PRIVATE BLOG – Can Biden be Indicted Before or After the Vote? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

A 20 Year-Old Tears Apart the PCR test   Here a 20-year-old has shown that this is a hoax and has done an excellent compilation of the facts!  A young...