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International News

Appointees to the Supreme Court Are Not Required to Appear Before the Judiciary Committee under the Constitution

    We now have this nonsense put forth by Schumer that McConnel is destroying the institution of the Senate by appointing a justice to the Supreme Court...

London Police Attack COVID Protestors on Saturday 9/26/2020

  Once again, the London police continue to support the government and attacked peaceful protestors in Trafalgar Square. No matter what the evidence, the...

The Ultimate Hypocrisy – Democrats Against Women with Families & Catholic?

  On the one hand, the Democrats are trying to get the Catholic vote arguing that Biden is only the second Catholic to be President after JFK. But then, they...

Climate Clock Erected in NYC To Further Propaganda

As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we...

The New Norm – OMG

The Economist just ran a story that summarized the change in work that “people particularly fond of their pyjamas have for decades been arguing that a lot of...

Britain Calling in Military to Enforce its COVID-19 Restrictions Without Parliament Debate

COMMENT: Has social media replaced civil disobedience, do people vent their spleens over a keyboard and feel that they’ve made their contribution. When will...

Who Will Really Run the Government Behind Biden?

  Biden without his teleprompter is a disaster, but his vice president lets it slip calling it “a Harris administration together with Joe Biden.”...