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International News

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested – Clinton’s & Epstein’s Lover

Here we go again. The FBI has just arrested Jeffrey Epstein’s friend and alleged procurer Ghislaine Maxwell on charges related to a probe by New York federal...

Is there an Uptick in Coronavirus? Or is the Smartest Virus in History?

It is interesting that our computer projected the peak would be April then a bounce into July. But this begs the question: Is this really a surge or is the fact...

Vaccines That Change your DNA & Gates’ Italian Experiment

Europe was already planning for a Vaccine ID Passport from the 3rd quarter of 2019. The real question is what is a vaccine. Gates has been funding a vaccine that is...

Why is Romney Supporting Democrats Against his Own Party?

Mit Romney has long been suspected of not being exactly above question. He was the only person in the Republicans to vote to Impeach Trump. The former Republican...

The Most Corrupt Election in History

The Democrats have taken control of Virginia and already we see this pervasive move to corrupt the election process in the United States by NOT requiring any photo...

Europe & Coming Capital Controls

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In your blog on ECB vs Fed, you stated in your conclusion; “The ECB is trapped. It cannot raise rates to raise money and it has...

Guaranteed Basic Income & Marxists

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you!!! for opening our eyes to the scary new world in which we live in. Are there more Socialist/Marxist to other political...

Rumors Still Abound that Hillary Will Emerge in August

Hillary Clinton and friends are still plotting to have her drafted at the Convention now scheduled for August 17-20. The rumors remain that Joe Biden is...

Will Germany Follow Austria and Turn Green?

Austria’s first green-tinged government took power, comprising the Austrian People’s Party and the Austrian Green Party at the start of the year. The...