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International News

PRIVATE BLOG – ECB Relaxes Bank Leverage

PRIVATE BLOG – ECB Relaxes Bank Leverage Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

PRIVATE BLOG – Why is there a Coverup About COVID & The Russian 2000 Election

PRIVATE BLOG – Why is there a Coverup About COVID & The Russian 2000 Election Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up...

Over 60% of Businesses that Closed Will not Reopen

I seriously doubt that people realize the extent of the economic damage caused by this HOAX instigated but a group of Oligarchs & Academics frunk on their own...

Is A Cover Up over Clinton’s 2000 Interference in Russia’s elections still Going On?

QUESTION: Marty; You said that not even Fox News will report the story that the US interfered in the 2000 Russian election. Do you have any idea why? EK ANSWER: No...

Melbourne Australia – the Example of the Worst Police State in a Pretend Free Society

    The Melbourne police have turned into a ruthless anti-Human Rights group of thugs. They are enjoying the ability to simply beat up people arrest them...

Yan & Wuhan Lab – Who Leaked What?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what is your comment on Dr. Yan and her assertion that this virus was created in the Wuhan Lab. She fled Hong Kong to the United...

Canada More Lockdowns?

There are rumors now running around that more lockdowns are coming in Canada. I cannot verify that this is correct, but this twitter that is going viral does put it...

Separatists Want to Break Away from Scotland

A separatist movement has begun within Scotland. Now, the Orkney islands are following Shetland in demanding independence from Scotland itself. This is part of a...

West Coast in Flames – Part of the Strategy to Impact the Elections & Great Reset?

  Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, was charged with two counts of arson and additional crimes for allegedly setting a fire earlier this week in southern Oregon,...