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International News

The Emerging COVIDGate Conspiracy

Bill Gates is calling for 10 more weeks of Lockdown in his Op-ed in, of course, the Washington Post. He is becoming a very dangerous man. The jobs lost and the...

Vertical Farming & Political Change

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you for your articles; they are really valuable especially at this time. There’s a lot of ‘noise’ out there, so your...

The Left’s Coup – In Your Face

COMMENT: Dear Martin, In Portugal, we have since Q42015 a left government. The first 4 years were a Socialist government with a kind of explicit support of...

The Injustice of the Justice System

Perhaps there has never been this sort of in-your-face abuse of power than what is going in in the justice system. Roger Stone is awaiting a 40-month prison...

Hydroxychloroquine is Working

Dr Smith with about 80 patients with this Coronavirus confirms they have been using Hydroxychloroquine and it is a “game...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face

PRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus

Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon...

China & the Allegations of Cover-up

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I agree that the response to the coronavirus is agenda driven in the US and Europe. I lost my friend to the virus yesterday, but I still...

I Will Survive (Quarantine)

  She Deserves an Emmy Award for...

The Health Forecasts are Politically Motivated

  I have explained that when I was called in back in 1985 as an expert to justify creating the G5 and manipulating the dollar, I wrote to the President to...