COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, These corrupt idiots at Imperial released another report in which they claim the lockdowns they advocated saved 3.1 million lives in...
I have received numerous emails from many readers who were once behind the Iron Curtain. They all say the same thing – what they fled from has now taken hold...
I have received a lot of emails from Britain asking if Boris is the new reason for the collapse of the pound. Fundamentals always emerge to support the projected...
FROM A READER IN SPAIN FROM FORMER COMMUNIST STATE The new law in Spain for the “new normality” has been approved. Spain is in full partnership with...
Spain’s new rules when their lockdown ends require masks to be worn at all times, even in 100-degree weather (40+), with the penalty of a 100 euro fine. It is...
Biden won the nomination with the write in ballots. On the surface, this would negate Hillary coming in for the rescue. Nevertheless, there are those who still hold...
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right...
According to a recent survey conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), German companies plan to reduce investments by 50% this year due to the...
Once upon a time, we use to live in an honorable society. All systems move toward corruption and they inevitably move to protect their own agents. Ben...