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International News

Coronavirus & the Numbers

    There have been a number of questions regarding (1) can we trust the numbers from China, and (2) why recoveries are not higher. First, the US has sent...

The Euro v Pound

Despite all the yelling and threats on top of forecasts that Britain will fall apart without the EU, the markets do not reflect such a doomsday outlook. We do see...

Brexit Day Has Arrived!

Welcome to Brexit Day! The British Mint is issuing a new 50 pence coin to mark leaving the EU at last. High-profile figures are already pledging to boycott the new...

WHO Names this Coronavirus a World Emergency

The Coronavirus has been declared by the World Health Organization (WH) to be an emergency. As I reported yesterday, the death rate may not be as high as SARS which...

What is the origin of the Coronavirus 2019-nCov?

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I totally agree with you that there is absolutely ZERO evidence to support any conspiracy theories about a “weaponized virus”. But I...

Coronavirus & the ECM

Many have asked that since this Coronavirus appears to have caught everyone’s attention with the turn in the ECM on January 18th, 2020, the questions have...

Ukraine & the Obama/Biden Grip on Corruption that Was a Silent Counter-Revolution

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I so much appreciate your lifetime of work and dedication to the Truth. I really appreciate so much your history lessons and deep...

The Impeachment Trial to Influence the 2020 Election

QUESTION: You do not have comments on the impeachment trial? HS ANSWER: Comments are just my OPINION, which is irrelevant to forecasting. This is just a topless...