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International News

The Cycle Behind COVID-19

I have reliable research I have not yet concluded but so far this COVID-19 could have been a human experiment. It appears to be like HIV insofar as it attacks the T...

Everything Has a Cycle – Even the Coronavirus

Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University has plotted the growth rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel,...

Trump Blaming China Without Investigating the West?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you disagree with Trump blaming China for this virus leaking from their lab? HB ANSWER: I do not care if it was a mistaken leak from...

Gate’s Contraceptive Microchip to be Implanted into Women

  Bill Gates to me is highly inconsistent. He is a huge supporter of Climate Change and has done his TED Talks on lowering CO2 to Zero. Of course, the Climate...

Doctor Speaks Out

William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives

COMMENT: Marty; you are right. William Kristol is a very dangerous neocon who is only intent on wasting American lives to defend Israel in the Middle East. He has...

Apple Comes out with Cheap Phone to Help Government Track You

Creating apps to track everyone is where Gates’ microchip insertions into our body come into play. Apple has announced the second generation of its cheaper...

Canada Proposing to Imprison anyone who Argues Against the Government & Bill Gates?

  Canada is showing just how ruthless the left can be. They are proposing to create criminal/civil prosecutions against anyone who disagrees with the...

Creating the New War That will Justify the Confiscation of American Assets in China

In Europe, the EU has used this coronavirus to justify nationalizing companies if the Chinese try to invest in any. In the United States, Congress wants to enact...